《中国传媒海外报告》(China Media Report Overseas)

《中国传媒研究》(China Media Research)


《中国传媒海外报告》(China Media Report Overseas)

《中国传媒研究》(China Media Research)

《中国传媒研究》(China Media Research)是由美国中国传媒研究协会(American Chinese Media Research Association)和浙江大学传播研究所联合主办的国际连续出版物(ISSN 1556-889X); 姊妹刊《中国传媒海外报告》(China Media Report Overseas)则由美中传媒研究协会和浙江大学传媒与国际文化学院联合主办(ISSN 1557-1351)。

China Media Research是世界上第一家在美国注册出版、聚焦中国传媒研究的学术性全英文季刊。而Chinese Media Research Association则是第一家在美国注册出版、 并能罕见地通过EBSCO、GALE、SWETS等著名数据库发行的中文学术刊物。两刊相得益彰、互为表里,立足于促进世界文化融洽交流和共存共荣的高度,主旨在世界传媒研究交流中起桥梁作用: 让世界注意中国传媒研究,也让中国了解世界传媒研究。

China Media Research China Media Report Overseas聘请了中华传播研究学会创会会长、美国国家传播学会立法委员、美国东部传播学会文化间传播组主席、跨文化传播研究国际学会执行长陈国明教授为合作主编; 国内则有浙大传播研究所所长邵培仁教授,浙大传媒与国际文化学院院长吴飞教授等鼎力支持;同时还聘请了澳大利亚昆士兰大学传媒学院副院长刘双和中国社会科学院新闻与传播研究所传播学研究室主任、 世界传媒研究中心主任姜飞为副主编。此外,美国国家传播协会国际传播部现任主席、亚洲传播倡导人和核心学者三池贤孝(Yoshitaka Miike);前国际传播协会主席;传播、 语言与性别研究组织和传播协会委员会主席帕特里斯M.巴兹奈尔(Patrice M. Buzzanell);跨文化新媒体研究中心主任和创始人,前美国国家传播协会国际和跨文化传播部主席罗伯特•舒特 (Robert Shuter);前美国国家传播协会主席林恩•特纳(Lynn H. Turner)等非常有国际影响的学者们都是俩姊妹刊的长期合作者和支持者。

China Media Research China Media Report Overseas的编委中有来自美国加州大学、美国科罗拉多大学、美国威斯康星大学、美国密歇根大学、美国杜克大学、英国利物浦大学、美国罗德艾兰大学、 美国I BM 公司、美国朗讯公司、中国社会科学院、北京大学、清华大学、复旦大学、人民大学、浙江大学、中国传媒大学、上海交通大学、南京大学、香港浸会大学、中国国际贸易促进委员会……的多位活跃于中国和世界传媒界的 著名专家、教授学者,还不断有优秀学者加入进来。

这两个刊物的努力方向是直面现代传播、光大历史经验、文化精华;理论研究与应用研究兼顾,定性研究与定量研究并举;既立身于中国传媒的建设与发展,也关注全球传媒发展的新动态、新走向; 既反映中国国内传播学界的最新成果,也追踪世界传播研究的前沿问题和热点问题;既着眼于传媒学自身体系的确立完善,也鼓励学科的交叉融合;本刊充分重视海内外华人传播研究社群之间的对话与联系, 欢迎传媒及社会各阶层有识之士,以人文的、文化的、思辨的学术精神和多元的、立体的、独特的理论视野进行研究,充分向世界展示华人传媒学者的思想风采。在推动中国传媒研究走上国际、 使其与国际传媒同步实践发展的同时,又努力使其充分保持中国特色,为世界传媒研究作出独特贡献。

姊妹刊以华夏的传媒经验和实践纳入全球传媒发展方向的未来“天择”中为己任。尤其重要的是China Media ResearchChina Media Report Overseas一直以来都在有计划、有目的、 有系统并定期地组织活跃学人们向国际传媒论坛介绍中国以及亚洲的传播精华,论析建立不同于欧美的传播体系为宗旨,并通过最大的和极有影响力的EBSCO、GALE、SWETS等渠道广泛快速地传播内容。 至今,姊妹刊已经在国际和国际华人学术界里上形成了很大的影响。美国国会图书馆,大英图书馆、牛津大学等均收录了China Media ResearchChina Media Report Overseas

主编 Dr. Jingjing Z. Edmondson (J.Z.爱门森博士)

《中国传媒研究》(China Media Research) 网页地址: http://www.chinamediaresearch.net

《中国传媒海外报告》(China Media Report Overseas) 网页地址: http://www.chinamediaoverseas.com


(ISSN 1556-889X)

What makes China Media Research important and unique?

The journal China Media Research is the first international English-language journal in its field. Within the current situation of an increasingly integrated global society, communication between countries and cultures becomes ever more important. The journal seeks to facilitate this process. China has the largest population in the world, and currently both economic and communication research is developing very fast. However, mutual understanding between China and the rest of the world still leaves much to be desired. China Media Research (ISSN 1556-889X) is dedicated to the dissemination of updated knowledge of all aspects of Chinese media/ communication research and practice and related topics. The main purpose of the journal is to serve as a bridge between Chinese and world media/communication studies, therewith to promote global harmony.

China Media Research is an international journal published both in print and on the Internet. As an official publication of the American Chinese Media Research Association and the Communication Studies Institute of Zhejiang University, it is published quarterly, always on time. Each issue of the journal has a printing of thousands copies. The quality of the journal, in terms both of the intellectual content of its articles and the physical quality of its printing is high. After we finish distribution, in order to enlarge the journal’s readership, we also publish it on the Internet. The website address is http://www.chinamediaresearch.net . The journal is widely known in China, and is received by all Chinese universities and libraries, as well as being widely distributed internationally (including, for example, to the British Library in London). The journal is listed as a core journal By EBSCO and GALL, world’s largest and prestigious social science index system since 2005. Thereby have enhanced the influence and facilitated the dissemination of the journal.

The Editorial Board of the journal includes prominent international scholars in its field. Many of our Editorial Board members are not only leading scholars in the field, but are also heads of the Communication Colleges in top universities in China (including Beijing, Tsinghua, Fudan, Nanjing, Renmin, and Zhejiang Universities), as well as in the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. In addition to these Chinese scholars, the Board also includes a like number of leading scholars in institutions outside of China.

Direct contact with cutting-edge Chinese indigenous communication theories and practices. Many scholars, including Chinese, who train in the United States or Europe, are deficient in their understanding of the depths of Chinese culture. China Media Research has one of its editorial offices directly in China, and thereby has an advantage that other journals do not have. Through this English language journal all international scholars can have close contact with cutting-edge Chinese indigenous communication theories and practices.

All principal articles published in the journal are also translated into the Chinese language. Meanwhile, many Chinese communication scholars in China now need more than ever to connect with the international scholarly world. But many Chinese scholars still lack English language ability, and in view of this situation China Media Research is especially concerned to translate all principal articles published in the journal into the Chinese language. Collections of these translations are issued in book form, and thereby greatly enlarge the journal’s potential readership and the benefits the journal has to offer. Five such collections have been published, and we expect to continue this practice.

Special issues on important topics. China Media Research is relatively young (established in 2005), but it is rapidly developing and is innovative. We have already published several special issues, include British-Chinese communication research, on the comparison between Asiacentric and Euro-Americancentric communication theory, global harmony (the Chinese concept of He Xie), etc. These special issues have had and will have a large influence. We do believe that no journal other than China Media Research can make this kind of unusual research contribution to both indigenous and global communication.

CMR is fully supported by Zhejiang University, the largest and one of the best universities in China. The country is developing so fast that it is hard to keep pace with it. But in the effort to do so, we have the advantage of having our journal supported by this University. The Dean of the Communication College in Zhejiang University is the Associate Editor in Chief of the journal.

We submit that our journal is different from all others in the communication field. All that we have indicated above makes China Media Research a unique journal, and suggests that it plays a very important role in the global communication area. It is not easy to establish a journal like this one, and we spend tremendous effort to achieve the journal’s goals, and will continue to do so.